Wards Vinyl Afdeling Naast het zoeken naar nieuwe alternatieve muziek verzamel ik ook vinyl platen. Hieronder een greep uit mijn collectie zoals deze op Instagram te vinden is. It's time for some serious rock and new wave songs Running On Empty has always been a song from Jacks If you love guitar music, then you gotta love Joe Got me this album yesterday at my favorite records Some more mighty fine Blues tunes from some of the There’s no better way to relax after a day worki There is one band I really love: the Eagles. Their That new wave sound from the 80s never sounds dull Some nice and heavy indie/garage rock from this gr Time for some vacation after a busy period at work Tim Knol is one of my favorite artists from the Ne Haven't listened to a Joe Jackson record recently, I don't listen to Bowie that often, but when I do, It looked like it was going to rain all day, just Okay, I could have played this yesterday, but that Listening to this beauty of an album! I just love Heard on the radio that the great Tom Verlaine pas There is nothing better to do after a good day at Did some work in the garden, time for some nice ne Finally some sunshine in the morning! The past wee Laat meer zien Volg mij op Instagram